
Active & Activism Art Competition


About The Event

This competition is open to all BU students interested in spreading their creativity. Any type of art (audio/video/photo format) is accepted – visual arts, writing, photo/video, acting, dance, music, and everything in between. The art pieces should be related to the themes presented below and able to answer one of the following questions. The art piece should have been made within the last year (during the pandemic) or be made for this competition. Anything prior to that is not valid for submission.

Thematic prompts:

Please respond to one of two prompts, in a short paragraph:
1) How does this piece represent staying active during the past year, while this pandemic has limited our ability to socialize and go about our “normal” lives?
2) How does this piece vocalize your thoughts on activism and civic engagement?


Valencia St San Francisco, CA 900 United States

The Palace of Fine Arts 3601 Lyon St San Francisco, CA 94123 United States
Phone Number 123 0039 68886

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  • Cost Free
  • Event date
    March 18, 2021
  • Event time 9:30 am - 11:30 am
  • Location Grand UniCamp Hall
  • Mode Savanna Walker

This event has expired