News and Blog


How Much Do International Students Bring To The UK Economy?

A new study has found that a single cohort of international students will contribute a whopping ÂŁ3.2 billion to the UK economy over 10 years through income tax and National Insurance payments …


How Will Technology Change The University Experience For Students?

To give one more example of how Imperial College Business School have embraced technology, the school recently joined a group of leading business schools to launch a new digital learning platform to create a more flexible learning experience. …

AlumniStudent life

Universities search for the new normal after Brexit

German and United Kingdom representatives of universities and higher education organisations have discussed the post-Brexit future of UK-German academic relations, including how to plug the glaring gap in the UK’s Turing Scheme, the replacement for participation in the European Union’s mobility and …


Universities fear researcher pipeline is under threat

With increasing global and regional competition for doctoral students to fuel expansion in technology-based industries, even top universities in Asia are beginning to worry about a continued pipeline of well-qualified students in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) areas as countries expand …


International student visa applications down by 40%

Germany’s federal government has confirmed that the coronavirus crisis has had a considerable impact on academic mobility. …


What Unis Can Do To Keep You Engaged When Studying Online

We’re living in a different world than we were a few months ago, with almost all elements of our lives having shifted online, from studying remotely to video-calling friends and family. …